Is State Farm’s Drive Safe and Save Program Worth It? (2024)

Last Updated on January 4, 2022

You have been driving for years without any infractions on your record, and because you’re confident in your driving abilities, you would like to see your insurance premium go down. Today, more and more insurance companies are offering driving tracking apps so that good drivers like you can get rewarded for those years of safe driving.

State Farm is one of those insurance companies that are now offering their clients ways to save on their annual insurance premiums. The Drive Safe and Save program does a usage-based analysis and then determines how much you could save on your premium. It works similarly to the telematics programs offered by other major insurance programs, except State Farm will give you up to 50% off your insurance premium, which beats out most competitors (who barely go past 30 to 40%).

Determining if the Drive Safe and Save program is worth it for you will depend on your daily driving habits, how much you are saving now, and a few other factors. Read our State Farm Drive Safe and Save review below to see if this program makes sense for you.

How the Drive Safe and Save Program from State Farm Works

Is State Farm’s Drive Safe and Save Program Worth It? (1)State Farm’s program automatically gives you 5% off your premium just for signing up and trying it out. The program isn’t the same as others who will send a device and track your vehicle. Instead, State Farm offers a few ways to use the Drive Safe and Save program.

Initially, the company only offered this discount opportunity to owners of vehicles with third-party monitoring systems like OnStar, but now you can also download a mobile phone app from their website. State Farm can also send you a tracking device if you do not have OnStar or the mobile app. The device plugs into the diagnostic port, which means you can only use them on vehicles manufactured after 1996. Cars before this date are unlikely to have the diagnostics port on the driver’s side.

Once you download the app or install the device, you will leave it there for a set amount of time, and you can track your driving habits and current data on the app as well as their website.

What Does State Farm’s Drive Safe and Save Program Monitor?

With State Farm, it is more than just mileage they are looking at; instead, they want to track your overall driving habits to see how safe you are and if you are a low-risk individual. The less risk for an accident, the more likely State Farm is to give you the discounts you deserve.

Some areas State Farm monitors include:

  • How much you accelerate and brake at a fast pace. Are you the type that comes to a stop last minute? Do you tend to gun it at a green light? These habits are considered reckless and high risk, which means State Farm may not lower your premium much – if at all. The more hard brake and fast accelerations you have listed on your record, the less likely you are to save much from the program.
  • How quickly you turn and the speed at which you turn. State Farm also monitors if you slow down for turns, how sharp you are, and the overall speed at the time of the turn. After all, the faster you go on sharp turns the more likely you are to encounter a rollover incident.
  • Your total mileage during the watch period. While you drive, the app calculates how many miles you drive per day and then estimates that for your yearly. When you first signed up for insurance, you would have indicated how many miles you drive annually, which plays a role in your premium estimate. By using Drive Safe and Save, State Farm has a more accurate estimate. The fewer miles you drive, the more you will save.
  • How fast you drive when you are driving. State Farm also tracks your average speed just to make sure you are staying under the speed limit for most areas. Basically, if you stay under 80 miles per hour, you should see savings. After all, they have no way of telling when you are not on the highway.
  • The time of day you drive the most. Accidents are more frequent between midnight and 5:00 am, along with rush-hour traffic times. Therefore, State Farm will look at the times of day you drive and how often/how many miles you put in that hour. The more hours and miles in the danger zone, the harder it will be to get to that 50% savings. If, however, most of your driving occurs outside of the window, you will save a lot more.

Final Word – State Farm Drive Safe and Review

To conclude our Drive Safe and Save review, let’s just say that it can’t hurt to try it out. There is no guarantee you will unlock the full 50% discount, but there is no risk for using the program. Regardless of what results you receive from the monitor, your premiums will not go up. Most drivers should still unlock as much at 5 to 10%, which is always something that will add up over time. If you have any further questions in regards the Drive Safe and Save program, please read State Farm’s FAQ or contact your State Farm agent.

Is State Farm’s Drive Safe and Save Program Worth It? (2024)


Is State Farm’s Drive Safe and Save Program Worth It? ›

Drive Safe & Save could be worth it if you're unsure about your driving habits but want to try to get a discount. That's because State Farm won't raise your rates if Drive Safe & Save determines you have bad driving habits.

Does State Farm Drive Safe and Save track speed? ›

Drive Safe & Save is a usage-based telematics insurance discount program offered by State Farm. Drive Safe & Save tracks the following: Speed: Try not to exceed 8 miles per hour over the speed limit.

How much does drive safe and save save me? ›

Enrolling in Drive Safe & Save may help you get an auto insurance discount up to 30% based on how you drive. You get a discount just for enrolling. Please talk to your State Farm agent for more information. How does Drive Safe & Save affect my premium?

Can you lose your drive safe and save discount? ›

It's up to you how long you want to participate in the program. However, you must currently be participating in Drive Safe and Save in order to keep the discount. As soon as you disenroll, you'll lose your discount.

Is safe driving app worth it? ›

Are safe driving apps worth it? If you're a responsible motorist, safe driver apps are a great way to lower your rates. But, depending on your insurer, you could risk a rate increase. You also need to decide if it's worth your insurance company having access to that much data.

Does drive safe and save record you? ›

Ensure location preference is set to "Always" or "Always Allow". Drive Safe & Save runs in the background to start, record, and stop trips. Setting other than "Always" or "Always Allow" will not allow the Drive Safe & Save app to record trips, which could impact the discount.

How does Drive Safe and Save know when I use my phone? ›

Here's how it works

The Drive Safe & Save app 3 pairs with the Bluetooth beacon we'll send you after enrollment. Keep your Bluetooth and location services on to automatically record trips when your phone connects to the beacon in your car.

What is a good driving score? ›

Based on the safety score, driving behavior is classified as: Safe Driving (Score >=75) On the Watch List (65 < Score > 75) Risky Driving (Score < 65)

Does Drive Safe and Save work without the app? ›

People who have an active OnStar account can also connect to State Farm Drive Safe & Save without use of the mobile app. An OnStar account can report data to the program to make adjustments to your State Farm auto insurance premiums.

Does drive safe and save use cellular data? ›

With the drive safe plan with State Farm, you are also likely agreeing to let them monitor the speed you drive via your cell phone GPS data which then gets transmitted to State Farm.

What does the State Farm tracker track? ›

State Faarm tracks HOW you are driving- speed and mileage. Granddaughter drives one of my cars, has the same device, she uploads data to State Farm- I have never seen any of it.

What does drive safe and save discount mean? ›

Drive Safe and Save with State Farm is a program that offers car insurance discounts to customers who practice safe driving habits. It uses an app or software built into your car to track and score your driving behavior. The safer you drive, the bigger your discount.

Does drive safe and save spy on you? ›

State Farm cares about your privacy and won't sell your information. Collected data is used to help you create safer driving habits and may be used to calculate the amount of your discount. Learn more about State Farm privacy practices.

Are safe driving discounts worth it? ›

Exactly how much you can save depends on your insurance provider, but "in general, drivers with good records can save anywhere from 10% to 30% on car insurance premiums," said ValuePenguin. More good news: It is "possible to save much more if you can qualify for more discounts on top of that," said Policygenius.

How does the safe driving app know who is driving? ›

Accelerometer. The accelerometer detects the acceleration of your phone, which plays a big role in determining whether you're driving in a car.

Does drive easy track your speed? ›

Yes, Geico DriveEasy tracks your speed to help determine if you're a safe driver.

What does safe speed include? ›

In establishing a safe operating speed, the operator must take into account visibility; traffic density; ability to maneuver the vessel (stopping distance and turning ability); background light at night; proximity of navigational hazards; draft of the vessel; limitations of radar equipment; and the state of wind, sea, ...

What is a good driving score State Farm? ›

State Farm doesn't specify a "good score" for Drive Safe & Save, but its app shows a 0%-100% safety score range, with 100% being ideal. There are a few key factors that can impact your safety score, including your braking, speed, mileage, and phone usage.


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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.